zoa energy
fuel something bigger. a social and web driven campaign for dwayne "the rock" johnson's energy drink brand highlighting the day-in,-day-out health benefits this drink has that other energy drinks do not have. what you put in your body helps you with the biggest and smallest things in life. zoa energy will help you fuel something bigger.

static social
assets to discuss the health benefits of zoa in organic and paid media. all part of a major re-brand, these assets also served to show the audience the entire new look and feel of the zoa.

commentary sizzle reels
commentary of zoa flooded the internet when it was first released. we took some of those comments spread the positive word in a quick, upbeat social reel.
wouldn't quite be a campaign without banners, would it?

role: art director CD: JP Gonzalez, JJ Lim, Jacob Coutino